3rd March 2022
3rd March 2022

So, if you have been following our blog, you will know that Marches are currently building more AD plants and have a number in the pipeline. It’s great to see the UK investing in renewable energy and the Green Gas Support Scheme is certainly helping. But don’t forget Marches Biogas are continuing to carry out the other critical aspects of our business one of which is looking after existing plants, whether or not they were built by us . . In fact, one of the places where we pride ourselves in our work and where our support can make a real difference is plants which we have not designed. Having a fresh pair of eyes looking over a problem can offer innovative solutions that can really cut through all the background noise.
In this blog we would like to introduce the characters behind the scenes and today we are going to focus on Chris. Like the majority of the Marches team Chris has AD in his blood having worked for a number of the leading companies in the country. Chris’s interests don’t just stop at AD, he’s also a retained firefighter, which is supported by Marches as he responds to incidents within the working day, rumour has it he is presently firefighter of the year at the Ludlow fire station!
Chris provides remote mechanical and electrical trouble shooting, making assessment of the problems, and allowing accurate diagnosis and solutions. Furthermore, online monitoring of the sites overall process can be carried out which aids identification of issues and further process control and adjustments can be made. Chris also organises skilled mechanical and electrical engineers (which includes himself) to attend site to carry out reactive and planned maintenance, covering all aspects and equipment included within the AD process. At all times whilst on site engineers have background support from our in-house programming specialists which can enable fault finding to be done efficiently.
So, if you’re experiencing an ongoing site issue, a new process issue has arisen, or you would just like some regular scheduled site maintenance - please do consider what we have to offer here at Marches Biogas.
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